Monday, October 29, 2012

Further Seems Forever

Sometimes things are closer to home than you think.

 When I first listened to FSF, I was sitting on the floor of my friend's room. We had gone to a show the night before, and I remember talking to Michael Richardson (of Benton Falls) after the show. He had briefly talked about Further Seems Forever and suggested we give a listen.

 So there we were, searching anything and everything we could on FSF. This was at least 10 years ago, so keep in mind that finding good music online took a good amount of these days are so lucky with their fast streaming computers!! (and, yea, I totally just dated myself. shoot.)

 Back then, I didn't have any music credibility beside The Cure, as I was still being introduced to newer music left and right by friends of mine, some of them older than me (of course!) who were none the wiser in some respects, but were wonderfully advanced in finding fantastic music. I owe many of my heartfelt favorite finds to them...thanks guys, you know who you are.

 I know I say this about a lot of bands I've been going to see lately...but, without a doubt, this one takes the cake for being completely and over the top in nostalgic value.

 I am still in shock. I was there. At Bottom Of The Hill, a venue that holds roughly about 150 people. All the way at the front. Seeing Christopher Ender Carrabba and the ORIGINAL Further Seems Forever line up.

 lucky is an understatement.

 I'll keep this short and just toss in the photos. I should listen to the advice given to me by someone recently... sleep is a precious thing to waste. I'll be sure to put that to good use tonight. somewhat...maybe.

Set list: 

Yea, of course this happened: Josh is a sweetie, we talked about Knapsack!! Informed him of the new Jealous Sound album...(you're welcome Blair & Bob)

and this is Chad..what a genuinely nice guy. Loved him. Wish I could have spent more time with him, they were headed to Anaheim for the following night's show.

Chris Carrabba!! woot. Got to talk to him a bit. I've met him before, and he's still the coolest emo kid, hands down. (hehe)

Chris Conley of Saves the Day opened up with an acoustic set. I think I died a little. Maybe peed too.

Set list 1/1: 

Talked to Chris Conley and his buddy Rob after the show. (Thanks for hanging out with me and my geeky friends!!) I am always amazed at how level headed and down to earth artists can be. Chris and I talked mostly about our kids....funny how things change..He's got a second grader this year, so that's a new adventure in itself. I talked about my kinder kid...and of course, we felt old. My kid is my life, so I get it. It's a beautiful, life altering, eye widening experience and only parents can understand and know the level of connection you have with your child. It's refreshing to talk to other parents who get it. Who truly, get the importance of keeping connected. (for those of you who don't know)

He mentioned working on an album during the summer, and how he is grateful for having his studio directly behind his home. Being away from your family is difficult, how awesome for him that he gets to spend time with his little girl and continue to make music and be creative. I am very excited to hear this new album...I am kicking myself for forgetting to ask the name (or tentative name) if he's got one. He'll finish recording by spring and the album is slated for summer, which means touring in the fall!! I'm so there. 

Thank you Chris and Rob for the lovely chat and we'll definitely do drinks next time. 

Peace out! Drive Safe, Sleep tight. The Giants won the world series!!! I'll be on cloud 9 all week! 

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